Archives pour la catégorie Colloques

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Entre l’usine et l’atelier : la bande dessinée, des carnets à l’œuvre imprimée

11 avril 2024, Espace Mendès-France 1, place de la Cathédrale, Poitiers

Programme :

10h-10h30 ANNA DENIS • De fil en aiguille : comment tisser des liens avec le Moyen Âge aujourd’hui ? Dans la fabrique de L’âge d’or de Moreil et Pedrosa

10h30-11h PHILIPPE MARION • Variations traversières sur l’image performée

11h-11h30 Pause

11h30-12h PIERRE-LAURENT DAURES • Le bout du bout de la piste, une relecture par la main

12h12h30 JEROME LEGLATIN • Puissance onomatopéique, atrophie éditoriale : le manga mutilé

12h30-14h Pause

14h-14h30 LUC VIGIER • Génétique du dessin et pédagogie de l’être chez Lynda Barry

14h30-15h GASPARD LAURENT • Le récit esquissé entre édition, création et enseignement

15h-15h30 Pause 15h30-16h PATRICIA GARCIA OCANA • Écrire la mémoire au fil des générations. Dans la fabrique d’Ana Penyas, Antonio Altarriba et Kim

16h-17h FLORENT PERGET Dessin, mémoire, archive. Rencontre avec EMMANUEL GUIBERT

Comics production


Comics Productions: Stitching, Inking, Photocopying

13 March 2024, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, Library Lab Magnel, Ghent University, Faculty Library of Arts and Philosophy


The Stitch, the Scratch, the Stain, and the Burn – the mechanically reproduced comics page as a site of embodied encounter with material indexes.

Gareth Brookes

Reproduction technology has always framed the ways in which we encounter and experience comics. Bart Beaty has described European small press as an ongoing attempt to reinscribe the aura of the work of art into the mechanically reproduced object. As such, small press practice can be theorised as a set of continuously adapting inscription strategies responding to new technologies.

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Comics, the Children and Childishness conference

International conference – Ghent University, 18-19 September 2023


Comics have often been dismissed as child’s fare. While comics scholars have long struggled with such dismissals, today they are more likely to run up against the stereotype that ‘comics are not just for children’ (Pizzino). The ‘for children’ snub has encouraged scholarship to focus on comics and graphic novels for adults. Although we have seen several exciting studies on the children in comics (Abate; Apostolidès, Chaney; Gordon; Saguisag) and comics for children (Abate and Tarbox, Heimermann and Tullis), most of which have appeared over the past decade, the many complex interactions between comics and children remain understudied.

Building on the research of the COMICS team based at Ghent University since 2018, Comics, the Children and Childishness seeks to disentangle these connections by focusing on two key strands: comics and children’s culture (especially print culture), and childishness and comics. This follows the objectives of the COMICS project at Ghent University which focuses on children’s comics magazines, child characters in comics and graphic novels, young readers’ interactions (both programmed and unexpected) with their comics and children’s drawings.

The conference aims to open a crucial forum of dialogue between European and international researchers, by focusing on a resolutely international corpus, covering comics from not only the dominant areas of Western Europe and North America, but also Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America, hoping to inspire further research in this overlooked but crucial aspect of comic studies. The program page is here, and here you can find some practical information you may need.

The conference will also be accompanied by an exhibition in KASK of the Alain Van Passen comics collection, a rare and extremely well-preserved archive of French and Belgian comics magazines from 1930s through the 1990s.

© Marco D’Alessandro

CFP — Comics Strike Back

Comics strike back: digital comics, digital audiences, digital practices

Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium (blended)
Date: 11-13 July 2022

In collaboration with: COMICSSnIF – Studying ‘n’ Investigating Fumetti

Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2022


Digital comics encompass a variety of works, ranging from print comics that are then digitised or pre-published online to e-comics that resist print publication and have stronger affinities with videogames, animations, and other digital products. Online or offline, static or animated, reproducing the page format or expanding beyond the borders of a screen, digital comics always imply some degree of adjustment of processes and habits, because comics are also cultural objects, creative practices as well as models of production and consumption.  Continue la lecture

Appel à communications / Call for Papers


« Planche de bande dessinée sauvage », exposition « La bande d’Antoine Marchalot dessinée », FIBD Angoulême, 2020, photographies de Margaux Duseigneur

Bandes dessinées hors-champs / Comics On the Outside

3-4 juin 2021, Université libre de Bruxelles

Dans sa thèse de doctorat La Bande dessinée et son double, Jean-Christophe Menu avance l’idée de « corpus hors-champ de la bande dessinée » pour décrire « tout un corpus d’œuvres relevant […] indéniablement de son domaine mais qu’elle [la bande dessinée] n’intègre pas dans son Histoire, et donc qu’elle ne reconnaît pas comme partie intégrante de son champ » (2011, 432). Ce colloque a pour ambition de se saisir de cette notion de « corpus hors-champ ». Celle-ci est apte à catalyser divers intérêts de recherche et à faire émerger de nouveaux objets d’études jusqu’alors tenus en marge des discours sur la bande dessinée.  Continue la lecture

Call for Papers — Comics Picturing Girlhood

Sugar and Spice and the Not So Nice: Comics Picturing Girlhood
International Symposium 22- 23 April 2021

Comics have long relied on reinforcing reader identity formation whether through interest, age group or hobbies. Constructed and largely mythical notions of gendered readership consequently became one of the most defining aspects of many of these comics. Continue la lecture

Poetics of the Algorithm / Poétiques de l’algorithme


Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que le programme de notre colloque « Poetics of the Algorithm/Poétiques de l’algorithme » est désormais en ligne. Le colloque débutera avec un atelier et une projection des cinématogravures du collectif WREK le 15 juin à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Liège,  et se déroulera officiellement du 16 au 18 juin à l’Université de Liège (Place du 20 août, Salle des Professeurs). Nous avons la chance d’accueillir un nombre extraordinaire de conférenciers invités – parmi lesquels Markku Eskelinen, Johnny Golding, Sarah Kember,  Yannis LaMacchia, Ilan Manouach, Richard McGuire et Stephen Betts, Gregory Steirer et Gregory Ulmer – ainsi qu’un programme chargé de présentations individuelles ou collectives par des chercheurs du monde entier et par plusieurs acteurs culturels qui viendront partageront leurs pratiques.

Call for Papers – Comics and Memory

Call for Papers

Comics and Memory

A Nordic Network for Comics Research conference hosted by Ghent University in collaboration with the University of Liège (ACME) and KU Leuven

April 20-21, 2017
Ghent, Belgium


 Smoke Signal no. 20, 2014 (c) Charles Burns

“Memory is tabooed as unpredictable, unreliable, irrational”, deplored Adorno more than half a century ago (122). Although nowadays the study of memory has established itself, memory remains an untamable beast, broad and interdisciplinary in its scope. This conference seeks to understand memory, and more specifically  the relationship between comics and memory, by welcoming papers on the following three lines of inquiry: personal memory, memory of the medium and collective memory.

The keynote address will be given by Mel Gibson.

250-word abstracts are due by September 1, 2016.

See full CFP here.

Extended Deadline / Nouvelle date limite

Due to numerous requests for an extension for submissions to the Poetics of the Algorithm conference, the organizing committee decided to extend the deadline for the submission of abstracts until January 11, 2016. We invite you to send proposals for workshops, roundtables, panels, performances, sessions, and paper presentations touching on aspects of the original Call for Papers. The process of evaluation is ongoing, and you can expect notification of acceptance by the end of February 2016.

Au vu des nombreuses demandes d’extension pour les propositions de la conférence Poétiques de l’algorithme, le comité d’organisation a décidé de reporter la date limite de soumission des propositions de communication au 11 janvier 2016. Nous vous invitons à envoyer vos propositions pour de communication, workshops, table-ronds, sessions et performances en rapport aux axes de recherche formulés dans l’appel original. Le processus d’évaluation est en cours, et vous recevrez une notification d’acceptation pour la fin février 2016.


Poetics of the Algorithm / Poétiques de l’agorithme



Le groupe ACME organise un colloque international, Poétiques de l’algorithme : objets médiatiques « non-identifiés », qui aura lieu à l’Université de Liège (Belgique) du 16 au 18 juin 2016 et se penchera sur la fiction interactive, les apps, la bande dessinée numérique, les jeux vidéo, la littérature électronique et ces autres « nouveaux » médias. La conférence accueillera des communications ainsi que des tables-rondes, ateliers et panels. Nous invitons à participer des chercheurs aussi bien que des artistes, auteurs, programmeurs, développeurs, praticiens, designers, etc.

Voir l’appel à communication – Les propositions de communication (500 mots maximum) devront nous être adressées, avant le 20 décembre 2015, à l’adresse suivante


 The ACME group organizes an international conference,  Poetics of the Algorithm: Narrative, the Digital, and ‘Unidentified’ Media at the University of Liège (Belgium), from June 16 to June 18, 2016. It focuses on interactive fiction, apps, digital comics, games, e-literature and other emerging, ‘new’ media. The conference will host workshops, roundtable discussions, panels, and presentations of papers. We invite scholars, artists, writers, programmers, (game) developers, practitioners, designers, etc. to participate in what we hope to be an extraordinary event.

See CFP – Pease send abstracts (500 words maximum) by 20 December to