Séminaire doctoral interuniversitaire
“Nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en bande dessinée”
Bande dessinée et institutions : quel dialogue ?
Vendredi 24 février 2017 à 12h30
Louvain-la-Neuve, Faculté de philosophie, arts et lettres (ERAS 70)

Simon Spruyt, “A Dying Breed,” cover for Stripgids/Faro, 2014.
La critique strictement immanente, aussi pertinente soit-elle, ne permet pas d’apprécier ce qu’il en est de la légitimation de la bande dessinée en ce début de XXIe siècle. Pour compléter l’analyse, il faut prendre en compte ce qui, « de l’extérieur », participe à cette reconnaissance symbolique. Les trois intervenants de la table ronde programmée pour cette quatrième séance s’intéresseront à quelques modalités d’organisation institutionnelle, actives dans le champ de la bande dessinée francophone contemporaine. Continue la lecture →
Interuniversity graduate seminar
“New Perspectives for Comics Studies”
“Comics as Practice-Based Research.
Word and Image as Cross Hairs”
a talk by Sébastien Conard (KASK)
Thursday 23rd February 2017 at 11 AM
LUCA School of Arts, campus Sint-Lukas Brussel, room A2.01
(Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussels)

In this lecture Sébastien Conard will provide three ‘modulations’ of the first part of the lecture title as a way of uttering a number of remarks concerning ‘research in the arts’ and the case of comic making within that frame. At first, he will focus on the idea of ‘comics as research’, asking himself and the audience what can possibly be meant with ‘research’. Secondly, the notion of the ‘practice-based’ side will briefly be taken into account. Thirdly, the seemingly odd idea of having comics (or the very making of it) at the core of a serious research will be turned into a reshuffling of the original title: ‘comics as research-based practice’. Finally, now provided with a number of remarks, reflections and a minimal questioning of the common division between ‘practice’, ‘theory’ and ‘research’, the audience will be more precisely informed on Conard’s PhD research, focusing on word and image interferences. Continue la lecture →
Groupe de recherche en bande dessinée / A Comics Research Group