Séminaire doctoral interuniversitaire “Nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche en bande dessinée”
Gothic and Comics: From A Haunt of Fears to a Haunted Medium
a conference by Julia Round (Bournemouth University)
Friday 12 March 2017 at 4 PM
Universiteit Gent
Auditorium A (Blandijnberg)

Detail from the cover for Martin Barker’s « A Haunt of Fears: The Strange History of the British Horror Comics Campaign » (Pluto Press, 1984)
Gothic contains many paradoxes. It repels but attracts; it horrifies but fascinates. Its literature has been reviled but is also canonised. Its archetypes break borders and transgress boundaries. We recoil from sights of horror, but expand our senses in the presence of terror. Gothic culture is introspective and introverted, but simultaneously performative and confrontational. Continue la lecture