The ACME Speaker Series Presents:
“L’Expérimentation en bande dessinée”
Rencontre avec Pascal Matthey (artiste)
et Pedro Moura (ULisboa/KU leuven)
Mardi, 6 octobre 2015, à partir de 10h30
Salle Pousseur, Complexe Opéra
(Pl. de la République Française, 35, Liège)
(c) Pascal Matthey, 978, La Cinquième Couche, 2013.
Auteur de Pascal est enfoncé et de 978, Pascal Matthey évoquera son travail et la question de l’expérimentation en bande dessinée, qui sera ensuite reprise à un niveau théorique par Pedro Moura, critique et chercheur portugais.
10h30 – 12h30
Introduction par Pedro Moura
Conférence de Pascal Matthey suivie d’une session de question-réponse
14h – 16h
Introduction par Aarnoud Rommens
Conférence de Pedro Moura : “A Typology of Comics’ Experimentalism”
Comics is a complex and varied art form, which has gone through many changes throughout its history. However, despite the continual talk about the « potential of comics », most of the critical attention—whether scholarly, journalistic, museum-related or even in more popular contexts—is geared towards conventional examples which focus on formal and narrative aspects, thereby neglecting an important part of its production, especially what might be called the ‘experimental’ genre. In this informal talk I will discuss a rather straightforward typology of experimentalism within the medium of comics, trying to identify new paths for formal analysis by paying attention to a number of its specificities. Drawing from multiple examples throughout the history of comics as well as across multiple geographic sources and styles, a heuristic approach will unfold. Although this cannot but remain an ever-expanding work-in-progress, I believe these principles can lead to further productive investigation.
L’ACME Speaker Series est organisée par le Groupe de recherche en bande dessinée ACME ( et sponsorisée par BeIPD-COFUND ULg.